Welcome to the Ptl open III
The Prototype Toronto League is throwing an X-Wing party! Join us for the Third PTL Open, held on November 23-24, 2019 at the Legion (Branch 22) in Toronto, near Woodbine and Danforth.
The Prototype Toronto League is an X-wing league open to all players of any skill level. We focus on friendly, community-driven fun while playing our favourite game! Our mission, as always with X-Wing, is to “Fly Casual” and have a good time. We hope you will join us in October!
This weekend-long X-Wing convention features a unique main tournament, fun and friendly side events, and cool prizes for everyone!
A weekend pass is only $40! You can purchase your pass (as well as food and swag) at our online store.
Buy your ticket early (before November 15, 2019) and receive some unique PTL Tokens.
Main Event
The PTL Open X-wing main event consists of six rounds of Swiss pairings followed by top 8 single-elimination rounds, following Standard X-Wing Extended rules and FFG tournament regulations .
However! This is a Prototype Toronto League event, and In PTL's meta-bending fashion, players will have the option to bring three different lists to play throughout the Swiss rounds, choosing which list to fly each round. The only list restriction is that you cannot use the same unique pilot more than once between your lists.
Using all three lists will earn you an extra match point in addition to your wins! Using each list twice will earn you a set of three PTL alt arts, regardless of Swiss placement.
The PTL Open 2019 is sponsored by Face to Face Games Toronto, and VTTV Live, who will be recording and streaming the event all weekend.
saturday Side Events
The Swiss on the first will be followed by side events! You will have your choice to compete in the “Aces High” free-for-all format (75 points, large, medium or small base, Lone Wolf is banned) or the epic-sized free-for-all format “Intel Pickup” at 400 points. Both of these formats are described in the Epic Battles Kit.
X-Wing side events are open to anyone with a main event ticket.
After the last two rounds of Swiss on Sunday, players who did not make the cut in the main event can play in two rounds of epic head-to-head scenario battles. You will compete in two of the following scenarios as announced by the marshall on Sunday: “Passing Engagement” (3x3), “Atmospheric Entry” (3x3), “Cover The Evacuation” (3x6) or “Strategic Salvo” (3x6). The descriptions of these scenarios are in the Epic Battles pack. The Epic lists you bring for this event must conform to the following restrictions:
-lists must be no more than 400 points.
-chassis ship type limits: a maximum of 8 small ships of a chassis type, a maximum of 4 medium ships of a chassis type, and a maximum of 2 large ships of a chassis type may occur in your list. Eg. Your list may contain no more than 8 tie/ln, 4 tie Punishers, and 2 Decimators.
-overall ship limit: your list may consist of no more than 12 ships altogether.
There will be exciting prizes specific to this event!
Players who are knocked out of the top cut in the top 8 and 4 may join in the Head-to-head epic round 2 and receive a bye counting for the first round of the epic matches.
*if you need to borrow epic ships or epic cards for this event, the organizers have a limited number of those set aside to borrow and may be able to help you. Please contact us in advance on our league FB page or on our discord and let us know what you will need.
Armada Taskforce Tournament (RITR)
*Note that this event, which was originally scheduled for Saturday has been moved to Sunday at 1 pm.
This event will follow the Task Force fleet building rules, found on page 8 of the Rebellion in the Rim manual. Additionally, the objectives Targeting Beacons, Blockade Run, Fire Lanes, Fleet Ambush, Planetary Ion Cannon, and Intel Sweep are banned and cannot be chosen for your fleet.
If players wish to only attend the Armada events (and not the main X-Wing tournament), they can purchase a special discounted ticket at the online store.
Preliminary Schedule
Day 1 (Saturday, Nov. 23rd)
8:30 AM – Registration opens
9:30 AM – Round 1
11:00 AM – Round 2
12:15 PM – Lunch
1:00 PM – Round 3
2:30 PM – Round 4
4:00 PM – Side events and PTL Social
Day 2 (Sunday, Nov. 24th)
8:30 AM – Registration opens
9:30 AM – Round 5
11:00 – Round 6
12:15 PM – Lunch & Side event sign ups
1:00 PM – X-Wing top cut and Head-to head Epic Round 1 and Armada Taskforce Tournament
4:00 PM – Epic Round 2
After that: victors crowned! prizes distributed!
PTL Open 2017 Champion Tristan Singleton
All participants will receive a set of three alternative art PTL upgrade and pilot cards, as well as chances to win items from our prize table, such as custom painted ships and other PTL and Star Wars swag.
Each player that plays each of their lists at least once will receive a tournament point.
Each player will receive a participation prize matching each faction they play.
Each player who plays each of their lists twice will receive a set of PTL Upgrade cards.
Both the the lowest ranked player (who completes all six games) and the first player outside the cut receive a special PTL prize.
The top 16 players will receive a set of PTL Range rulers.
Top 8 will receive a set of PTL shield tokens.
Top 4 will receive PTL maneuver templates.
Top 2 will receive PTL tournament trays.
The tournament champion will receive a custom plaque.
Additional swag such as shirts, hats, and lunch are also available for sale.
Additional beverages and food will be available at for purchase on site from the Legion.
The PTL recommends Toronto Don Valley Hotel & Suites. Please call (416) 449-4111 and speak with their staff.
Street parking for the weekend is available from the City of Toronto.